xpecgen’s API documentation

For general instructions on the software check the Github repository.

The API is documented below.


The module xpecgen.xpecgen contains the API most of the programmers will need.

xpecgen.py: A module to calculate x-ray spectra generated in tungsten anodes.

class xpecgen.xpecgen.Spectrum[source]

Set of 2D points and discrete components representing a spectrum.

A Spectrum can be multiplied by a scalar (int, float…) to increase its counts in such a factor. Two spectra can be added if they share their x axes and their discrete component positions.

Note: When two spectrum are added it is not checked it that addition makes sense. It is the user’s responsibility to
do so.

x coordinates (energy) describing the continuum part of the spectrum.


y coordinates (pdf) describing the continuum part of the spectrum.


discrete components of the spectrum, each of the form [x, num, rel_x] where:

  • x is the mean position of the peak.
  • num is the number of particles in the peak.
  • rel_x is a characteristic distance where it should extend. The exact meaning depends on the windows function.
attenuate(depth=1, mu=<function Spectrum.<lambda>>)[source]

Attenuate the spectrum as if it passed thorough a given depth of material with attenuation described by a given attenuation coefficient. Consistent units should be used.

  • depth – The amount of material (typically in cm).
  • mu – The energy-dependent absorption coefficient (typically in cm^-1).

Return a new Spectrum object cloning itself

Returns:The new Spectrum.
Return type:Spectrum
export_csv(route='a.csv', peak_shape=<function triangle>, transpose=False)[source]

Export the data to a csv file (comma-separated values).

  • route (str) – The route where the file will be saved.
  • peak_shape – The window function used to plot the peaks. See triangle for an example.
  • transpose (bool) – True to write in two columns, False in two rows.
export_xlsx(route='a.xlsx', peak_shape=<function triangle>, markers=False)[source]

Export the data to a xlsx file (Excel format).

  • route (str) – The route where the file will be saved.
  • peak_shape – The window function used to plot the peaks. See triangle for an example.
  • markers (bool) – Whether to use markers or a continuous line in the plot in the file.

Get a function representing the continuous part of the spectrum.

Returns:An interpolation function representing the continuous part of the spectrum.

Return the norm of the spectrum using a weighting function.


A function used as a weight to calculate the norm. Typical examples are:

  • weight(E)=1 [Photon number]
  • weight(E)=E [Energy]
  • weight(E)=fluence2Dose(E) [Dose]
Returns:The calculated norm.
Return type:(float)
get_plot(place, show_mesh=True, prepare_format=True, peak_shape=<function triangle>)[source]

Prepare a plot of the data in the given place

  • place – The class whose method plot is called to produce the plot (e.g., matplotlib.pyplot).
  • show_mesh (bool) – Whether to plot the points over the continuous line as circles.
  • prepare_format (bool) – Whether to include ticks and labels in the plot.
  • peak_shape – The window function used to plot the peaks. See triangle for an example.
get_points(peak_shape=<function triangle>, num_discrete=10)[source]

Returns two lists of coordinates x y representing the whole spectrum, both the continuous and discrete components. The mesh is chosen by extending x to include details of the discrete peaks.

  • peak_shape – The window function used to calculate the peaks. See triangle for an example.
  • num_discrete – Number of points that are added to mesh in each peak.

tuple containing:

x2 (List[float]): The list of x coordinates (energy) in the whole spectrum.

y2 (List[float]): The list of y coordinates (density) in the whole spectrum.

Return type:


hvl(value=0.5, weight=<function Spectrum.<lambda>>, mu=<function Spectrum.<lambda>>, energy_min=0)[source]

Calculate a generalized half-value-layer.

This method calculates the depth of a material needed for a certain dosimetric magnitude to decrease in a given factor.

  • value (float) – The factor the desired magnitude is decreased. Must be in [0, 1].
  • weight

    A function used as a weight to calculate the norm. Typical examples are:

    • weight(E)=1 [Photon number]
    • weight(E)=E [Energy]
    • weight(E)=fluence2Dose(E) [Dose]
  • mu – The energy absorption coefficient as a function of energy.
  • energy_min (float) – A low-energy cutoff to use in the calculation.

The generalized hvl in cm.

Return type:


set_norm(value=1, weight=None)[source]

Set the norm of the spectrum using a weighting function.

  • value (float) – The norm of the modified spectrum in the given convention.
  • weight

    A function used as a weight to calculate the norm. Typical examples are:

    • weight(E)=1 [Photon number]
    • weight(E)=E [Energy]
    • weight(E)=fluence2Dose(E) [Dose]
show_plot(show_mesh=True, block=True)[source]

Prepare the plot of the data and show it in matplotlib window.

  • show_mesh (bool) – Whether to plot the points over the continuous line as circles.
  • block (bool) – Whether the plot is blocking or non blocking.
xpecgen.xpecgen.add_char_radiation(s, method='fraction_above_poly')[source]

Adds characteristic radiation to a calculated bremsstrahlung spectrum, assuming it is a tungsten-generated spectrum

If a discrete component already exists in the spectrum, it is replaced.

  • s (Spectrum) – The spectrum whose discrete component is recalculated.
  • method (str) –

    The method to use to calculate the discrete component. Available methods include:

    • ’fraction_above_linear’: Use a linear relation between bremsstrahlung above the K-edge and peaks.
    • ’fraction_above_poly’: Use polynomial fits between bremsstrahlung above the K-edge and peaks.
xpecgen.xpecgen.calculate_spectrum(e_0, theta, e_min, num_e, phi=0.0, epsrel=0.2, monitor=<function console_monitor>, z=74)[source]

Calculates the x-ray spectrum for given parameters. Characteristic peaks are also calculated by add_char_radiation, which is called with the default parameters.

  • e_0 (float) – Electron kinetic energy in keV
  • theta (float) – X-ray emission angle in degrees, the normal being at 90º
  • e_min (float) – Minimum kinetic energy to calculate in the spectrum in keV
  • num_e (int) – Number of points to calculate in the spectrum
  • phi (float) – X-ray emission elevation angle in degrees.
  • epsrel (float) – The tolerance parameter used in numeric integration.
  • monitor – A function to be called after each iteration with arguments finished_count, total_count. See for example console_monitor.
  • z (int) – Atomic number of the material.

The calculated spectrum

Return type:


xpecgen.xpecgen.calculate_spectrum_mesh(e_0, theta, mesh, phi=0.0, epsrel=0.2, monitor=<function console_monitor>, z=74)[source]

Calculates the x-ray spectrum for given parameters. Characteristic peaks are also calculated by add_char_radiation, which is called with the default parameters.

  • e_0 (float) – Electron kinetic energy in keV
  • theta (float) – X-ray emission angle in degrees, the normal being at 90º
  • mesh (list of float or ndarray) – The photon energies where the integral will be evaluated
  • phi (float) – X-ray emission elevation angle in degrees.
  • epsrel (float) – The tolerance parameter used in numeric integration.
  • monitor – A function to be called after each iteration with arguments finished_count, total_count. See for example console_monitor.
  • z (int) – Atomic number of the material.

The calculated spectrum

Return type:


xpecgen.xpecgen.console_monitor(a, b)[source]

Simple monitor function which can be used with calculate_spectrum.

Prints in stdout ‘a/b’.

  • a – An object representing the completed amount (e.g., a number representing a part…).
  • b – An object representing the total amount (… of a number representing a total).
xpecgen.xpecgen.custom_dblquad(func, a, b, c, d, args=(), epsabs=1.49e-08, epsrel=1.49e-08, maxp1=50, limit=2000)[source]

A wrapper around numpy’s dblquad to restrict it to a rectangular region and to pass arguments to the ‘inner’ integral.

  • func – The integrand function f(y,x).
  • a (float) – The lower bound of the second argument in the integrand function.
  • b (float) – The upper bound of the second argument in the integrand function.
  • c (float) – The lower bound of the first argument in the integrand function.
  • d (float) – The upper bound of the first argument in the integrand function.
  • args (sequence, optional) – extra arguments to pass to func.
  • epsabs (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance passed directly to the inner 1-D quadrature integration.
  • epsrel (float, optional) – Relative tolerance of the inner 1-D integrals. Default is 1.49e-8.
  • maxp1 (float or int, optional) – An upper bound on the number of Chebyshev moments.
  • limit (int, optional) – Upper bound on the number of cycles (>=3) for use with a sinusoidal weighting and an infinite end-point.

tuple containing:

y (float): The resultant integral.

abserr (float): An estimate of the error.

Return type:


xpecgen.xpecgen.get_cs(e_0=100, z=74)[source]

Returns a function representing the scaled bremsstrahlung cross_section.

  • e_0 (float) – The electron kinetic energy, used to scale u=e_e/e_0.
  • z (int) – Atomic number of the material.

A function representing cross_section(e_g,u) in mb/keV, with e_g in keV.


Returns a function representing the CSDA range in tungsten.

Parameters:z (int) – Atomic number of the material.
Returns:The CSDA range in cm in tungsten as a function of the electron kinetic energy in keV.

Returns a function representing the electron fluence with the distance in CSDA units.

Parameters:e_0 (float) – The kinetic energy whose CSDA range is used to scale the distances.
Returns:A function representing fluence(x,u) with x in CSDA units.

Returns a function representing the weighting factor which converts fluence to dose.

Returns:A function representing the weighting factor which converts fluence to dose in Gy * cm^2.

Returns a function representing an energy-dependent attenuation coefficient.

Parameters:z (int or str) – The identifier of the material in the data folder, typically the atomic number.
Returns:The attenuation coefficient mu(E) in cm^-1 as a function of the energy measured in keV.
xpecgen.xpecgen.get_mu_csda(e_0, z=74)[source]

Returns a function representing the CSDA-scaled energy-dependent attenuation coefficient in tungsten.

  • e_0 (float) – The electron initial kinetic energy.
  • z (int) – Atomic number of the material.

The attenuation coefficient mu(E) in CSDA units as a function of the energy measured in keV.

xpecgen.xpecgen.get_source_function(fluence, cs, mu, theta, e_g, phi=0.0)[source]

Returns the attenuated source function (Eq. 2 in the paper) for the given parameters.

An E_0-dependent factor (the fraction found there) is excluded. However, the E_0 dependence is removed in integrate_source.

  • fluence – The function representing the fluence.
  • cs – The function representing the bremsstrahlung cross-section.
  • mu – The function representing the attenuation coefficient.
  • theta (float) – The emission angle in degrees, the anode’s normal being at 90º.
  • e_g (float) – The emitted photon energy in keV.
  • phi (float) – The elevation angle in degrees, the anode’s normal being at 12º.

The attenuated source function s(u,x).

xpecgen.xpecgen.integrate_source(fluence, cs, mu, theta, e_g, e_0, phi=0.0, x_min=0.0, x_max=0.6, epsrel=0.1, z=74)[source]

Find the integral of the attenuated source function.

An E_0-independent factor is excluded (i.e., the E_0 dependence on get_source_function is taken into account here).

  • fluence – The function representing the fluence.
  • cs – The function representing the bremsstrahlung cross-section.
  • mu – The function representing the attenuation coefficient.
  • theta (float) – The emission angle in degrees, the anode’s normal being at 90º.
  • e_g – (float): The emitted photon energy in keV.
  • e_0 (float) – The electron initial kinetic energy.
  • phi (float) – The elevation angle in degrees, the anode’s normal being at 12º.
  • x_min – The lower-bound of the integral in depth, scaled by the CSDA range.
  • x_max – The upper-bound of the integral in depth, scaled by the CSDA range.
  • epsrel – The relative tolerance of the integral.
  • z (int) – Atomic number of the material.

The value of the integral.

Return type:


xpecgen.xpecgen.log_interp_1d(xx, yy, kind='linear')[source]

Perform interpolation in log-log scale.

  • xx (List[float]) – x-coordinates of the points.
  • yy (List[float]) – y-coordinates of the points.
  • kind (str or int, optional) – The kind of interpolation in the log-log domain. This is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d.

A function whose call method uses interpolation in log-log scale to find the value at a given point.

xpecgen.xpecgen.triangle(x, loc=0, size=0.5, area=1)[source]

The triangle window function centered in loc, of given size and area, evaluated at a point.

  • x – The point where the function is evaluated.
  • loc – The position of the peak.
  • size – The total.
  • area – The area below the function.

The value of the function.


The module xpecgen.xpecgenGUI defines the tk-based GUI and probably is only interesting to developers aiming to extend the GUI.

xpecgenGUI.py: A GUI for the xpecgen module

class xpecgen.xpecgenGUI.CreateToolTip(widget, text, color='#ffe14c')[source]

A tooltip for a given widget.

class xpecgen.xpecgenGUI.ParBox(master=None, textvariable=0, lblText='', unitsTxt='', helpTxt='', row=0, read_only=False)[source]

A parameter entry with labels preceding and succeeding it and an optional tooltip

class xpecgen.xpecgenGUI.XpecgenGUI(master=None)[source]

Tk-based GUI for the xpecgen package.


Attenuate the active spectrum according to the parameters in the GUI.


Calculates a new spectrum using the parameters in the GUI.


Clean the spectra history.


Create the widgets in the GUI


Enable widgets requiring a calculated spectrum to work.


Export the selected spectrum in xlsx format, showing a file dialog to choose the route.


Polling method to update changes in spectrum list.


Create and initialize interface variables

monitor_bar(a, b)[source]

Update the progress bar.

  • a (int) – The number of items already calculated.
  • b (int) – The total number of items to calculate.

Normalize the active spectrum according to the parameters in the GUI.


Update parameters calculated from the active spectrum.


Update the canvas after plotting something. If matplotlib is not embedded, show it in an independent window.


Polling method to wait for the calculation thread to finish. Also updates monitor_bar.


Start an instance of the GUI.

Indices and tables