Source code for xpecgen.xpecgen

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

""" A module to calculate x-ray spectra generated in tungsten anodes."""

from __future__ import print_function

import math
from bisect import bisect_left
import os
from glob import glob
import warnings
import csv

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate, integrate, optimize
import xlsxwriter

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    plot_available = True
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Unable to import matplotlib. Plotting will be disabled.")
    plot_available = False

__author__ = 'Dih5'
__version__ = "1.3.0"

data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "data")

# --------------------General purpose functions-------------------------#

[docs]def log_interp_1d(xx, yy, kind='linear'): """ Perform interpolation in log-log scale. Args: xx (List[float]): x-coordinates of the points. yy (List[float]): y-coordinates of the points. kind (str or int, optional): The kind of interpolation in the log-log domain. This is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. Returns: A function whose call method uses interpolation in log-log scale to find the value at a given point. """ log_x = np.log(xx) log_y = np.log(yy) # No big difference in efficiency was found when replacing interp1d by # UnivariateSpline lin_interp = interpolate.interp1d(log_x, log_y, kind=kind) return lambda zz: np.exp(lin_interp(np.log(zz)))
# This custom implementation of dblquad is based in the one in numpy # (Cf. ) # It was modified to work only in rectangular regions (no g(x) nor h(x)) # to set the inner integral epsrel # and to increase the limit of points taken def _infunc(x, func, c, d, more_args, epsrel): myargs = (x,) + more_args return integrate.quad(func, c, d, args=myargs, epsrel=epsrel, limit=2000)[0]
[docs]def custom_dblquad(func, a, b, c, d, args=(), epsabs=1.49e-8, epsrel=1.49e-8, maxp1=50, limit=2000): """ A wrapper around numpy's dblquad to restrict it to a rectangular region and to pass arguments to the 'inner' integral. Args: func: The integrand function f(y,x). a (float): The lower bound of the second argument in the integrand function. b (float): The upper bound of the second argument in the integrand function. c (float): The lower bound of the first argument in the integrand function. d (float): The upper bound of the first argument in the integrand function. args (sequence, optional): extra arguments to pass to func. epsabs (float, optional): Absolute tolerance passed directly to the inner 1-D quadrature integration. epsrel (float, optional): Relative tolerance of the inner 1-D integrals. Default is 1.49e-8. maxp1 (float or int, optional): An upper bound on the number of Chebyshev moments. limit (int, optional): Upper bound on the number of cycles (>=3) for use with a sinusoidal weighting and an infinite end-point. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: y (float): The resultant integral. abserr (float): An estimate of the error. """ return integrate.quad(_infunc, a, b, (func, c, d, args, epsrel), epsabs=epsabs, epsrel=epsrel, maxp1=maxp1, limit=limit)
[docs]def triangle(x, loc=0, size=0.5, area=1): """ The triangle window function centered in loc, of given size and area, evaluated at a point. Args: x: The point where the function is evaluated. loc: The position of the peak. size: The total. area: The area below the function. Returns: The value of the function. """ # t=abs((x-loc)/size) # return 0 if t>1 else (1-t)*abs(area/size) return 0 if abs((x - loc) / size) > 1 else (1 - abs((x - loc) / size)) * abs(area / size)
# --------------------Spectrum model functionality----------------------#
[docs]class Spectrum: """ Set of 2D points and discrete components representing a spectrum. A Spectrum can be multiplied by a scalar (int, float...) to increase its counts in such a factor. Two spectra can be added if they share their x axes and their discrete component positions. Note: When two spectrum are added it is not checked it that addition makes sense. It is the user's responsibility to do so. Attributes: x (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): x coordinates (energy) describing the continuum part of the spectrum. y (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): y coordinates (pdf) describing the continuum part of the spectrum. discrete (List[List[float]]): discrete components of the spectrum, each of the form [x, num, rel_x] where: * x is the mean position of the peak. * num is the number of particles in the peak. * rel_x is a characteristic distance where it should extend. The exact meaning depends on the windows function. """ def __init__(self): """ Create an empty spectrum. """ self.x = [] self.y = [] self.discrete = []
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a new Spectrum object cloning itself Returns: :obj:`Spectrum`: The new Spectrum. """ s = Spectrum() s.x = list(self.x) s.y = self.y[:] s.discrete = [] for a in self.discrete: s.discrete.append(a[:]) return s
[docs] def get_continuous_function(self): """ Get a function representing the continuous part of the spectrum. Returns: An interpolation function representing the continuous part of the spectrum. """ return interpolate.interp1d(self.x, self.y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)
[docs] def get_points(self, peak_shape=triangle, num_discrete=10): """ Returns two lists of coordinates x y representing the whole spectrum, both the continuous and discrete components. The mesh is chosen by extending x to include details of the discrete peaks. Args: peak_shape: The window function used to calculate the peaks. See :obj:`triangle` for an example. num_discrete: Number of points that are added to mesh in each peak. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: x2 (List[float]): The list of x coordinates (energy) in the whole spectrum. y2 (List[float]): The list of y coordinates (density) in the whole spectrum. """ if peak_shape is None or self.discrete == []: return self.x[:], self.y[:] # A mesh for each discrete component: discrete_mesh = np.concatenate(list(map(lambda x: np.linspace( x[0] - x[2], x[0] + x[2], num=num_discrete, endpoint=True), self.discrete))) x2 = sorted(np.concatenate((discrete_mesh, self.x))) f = self.get_continuous_function() peak = np.vectorize(peak_shape) def g(x): t = 0 for l in self.discrete: t += peak(x, loc=l[0], size=l[2]) * l[1] return t y2 = [f(x) + g(x) for x in x2] return x2, y2
[docs] def get_plot(self, place, show_mesh=True, prepare_format=True, peak_shape=triangle): """ Prepare a plot of the data in the given place Args: place: The class whose method plot is called to produce the plot (e.g., matplotlib.pyplot). show_mesh (bool): Whether to plot the points over the continuous line as circles. prepare_format (bool): Whether to include ticks and labels in the plot. peak_shape: The window function used to plot the peaks. See :obj:`triangle` for an example. """ if prepare_format: place.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) place.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8) place.set_xlabel('E', fontsize=10, fontweight='bold') place.set_ylabel('f(E)', fontsize=10, fontweight='bold') x2, y2 = self.get_points(peak_shape=peak_shape) if show_mesh: place.plot(self.x, self.y, 'bo', x2, y2, 'b-') else: place.plot(x2, y2, 'b-')
[docs] def show_plot(self, show_mesh=True, block=True): """ Prepare the plot of the data and show it in matplotlib window. Args: show_mesh (bool): Whether to plot the points over the continuous line as circles. block (bool): Whether the plot is blocking or non blocking. """ if plot_available: plt.clf() self.get_plot(plt, show_mesh=show_mesh, prepare_format=False) plt.xlabel("E") plt.ylabel("f(E)") plt.gcf().canvas.set_window_title("".join(('xpecgen v', __version__))) else: warnings.warn("Asked for a plot but matplotlib could not be imported.")
[docs] def export_csv(self, route="a.csv", peak_shape=triangle, transpose=False): """ Export the data to a csv file (comma-separated values). Args: route (str): The route where the file will be saved. peak_shape: The window function used to plot the peaks. See :obj:`triangle` for an example. transpose (bool): True to write in two columns, False in two rows. """ x2, y2 = self.get_points(peak_shape=peak_shape) with open(route, 'w') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel') if transpose: w.writerows([list(a) for a in zip(*[x2, y2])]) else: w.writerow(x2) w.writerow(y2)
[docs] def export_xlsx(self, route="a.xlsx", peak_shape=triangle, markers=False): """ Export the data to a xlsx file (Excel format). Args: route (str): The route where the file will be saved. peak_shape: The window function used to plot the peaks. See :obj:`triangle` for an example. markers (bool): Whether to use markers or a continuous line in the plot in the file. """ x2, y2 = self.get_points(peak_shape=peak_shape) workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(route) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1}) worksheet.write(0, 0, "Energy (keV)", bold) worksheet.write(0, 1, "Photon density (1/keV)", bold) worksheet.write_column('A2', x2) worksheet.write_column('B2', y2) # Add a plot if markers: chart = workbook.add_chart( {'type': 'scatter', 'subtype': 'straight_with_markers'}) else: chart = workbook.add_chart( {'type': 'scatter', 'subtype': 'straight'}) chart.add_series({ 'name': '=Sheet1!$B$1', 'categories': '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$' + str(len(x2) + 1), 'values': '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$' + str(len(y2) + 1), }) chart.set_title({'name': 'Emission spectrum'}) chart.set_x_axis( {'name': 'Energy (keV)', 'min': 0, 'max': str(x2[-1])}) chart.set_y_axis({'name': 'Photon density (1/keV)'}) chart.set_legend({'position': 'none'}) chart.set_style(11) worksheet.insert_chart('D3', chart, {'x_offset': 25, 'y_offset': 10}) workbook.close()
[docs] def get_norm(self, weight=None): """ Return the norm of the spectrum using a weighting function. Args: weight: A function used as a weight to calculate the norm. Typical examples are: * weight(E)=1 [Photon number] * weight(E)=E [Energy] * weight(E)=fluence2Dose(E) [Dose] Returns: (float): The calculated norm. """ if weight is None: w = lambda x: 1 else: w = weight y2 = list(map(lambda x, y: w(x) * y, self.x, self.y)) return integrate.simps(y2, x=self.x) + sum([w(a[0]) * a[1] for a in self.discrete])
[docs] def set_norm(self, value=1, weight=None): """ Set the norm of the spectrum using a weighting function. Args: value (float): The norm of the modified spectrum in the given convention. weight: A function used as a weight to calculate the norm. Typical examples are: * weight(E)=1 [Photon number] * weight(E)=E [Energy] * weight(E)=fluence2Dose(E) [Dose] """ norm = self.get_norm(weight=weight) / value self.y = [a / norm for a in self.y] self.discrete = [[a[0], a[1] / norm, a[2]] for a in self.discrete]
[docs] def hvl(self, value=0.5, weight=lambda x: 1, mu=lambda x: 1, energy_min=0): """ Calculate a generalized half-value-layer. This method calculates the depth of a material needed for a certain dosimetric magnitude to decrease in a given factor. Args: value (float): The factor the desired magnitude is decreased. Must be in [0, 1]. weight: A function used as a weight to calculate the norm. Typical examples are: * weight(E)=1 [Photon number] * weight(E)=E [Energy] * weight(E)=fluence2Dose(E) [Dose] mu: The energy absorption coefficient as a function of energy. energy_min (float): A low-energy cutoff to use in the calculation. Returns: (float): The generalized hvl in cm. """ # TODO: (?) Cut characteristic if below cutoff. However, such a high cutoff # would probably make no sense # Use low-energy cutoff low_index = bisect_left(self.x, energy_min) x = self.x[low_index:] y = self.y[low_index:] # Normalize to 1 with weighting function y2 = list(map(lambda a, b: weight(a) * b, x, y)) discrete2 = [weight(a[0]) * a[1] for a in self.discrete] n2 = integrate.simps(y2, x=x) + sum(discrete2) y3 = [a / n2 for a in y2] discrete3 = [[a[0], weight(a[0]) * a[1] / n2] for a in self.discrete] # Now we only need to add attenuation as a function of depth f = lambda t: integrate.simps(list(map(lambda a, b: b * math.exp(-mu(a) * t), x, y3)), x=x) + sum( [c[1] * math.exp(-mu(c[0]) * t) for c in discrete3]) - value # Search the order of magnitude of the root (using the fact that f is # monotonically decreasing) a = 1.0 if f(a) > 0: while f(a) > 0: a *= 10.0 # Now f(a)<=0 and f(a*0.1)>0 return optimize.brentq(f, a * 0.1, a) else: while f(a) < 0: a *= 0.1 # Now f(a)>=0 and f(a*10)<0 return optimize.brentq(f, a, a * 10.0)
[docs] def attenuate(self, depth=1, mu=lambda x: 1): """ Attenuate the spectrum as if it passed thorough a given depth of material with attenuation described by a given attenuation coefficient. Consistent units should be used. Args: depth: The amount of material (typically in cm). mu: The energy-dependent absorption coefficient (typically in cm^-1). """ self.y = list( map(lambda x, y: y * math.exp(-mu(x) * depth), self.x, self.y)) self.discrete = list( map(lambda l: [l[0], l[1] * math.exp(-mu(l[0]) * depth), l[2]], self.discrete))
def __add__(self, other): """Add two instances, assuming that makes sense.""" if not isinstance(other, Spectrum): # so s+0=s and sum([s1, s2,...]) makes sense return self s = Spectrum() s.x = self.x s.y = [a + b for a, b in zip(self.y, other.y)] s.discrete = [[a[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2]] for a, b in zip(self.discrete, other.discrete)] return s def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __mul__(self, other): """Multiply the counts by an scalar.""" s2 = self.clone() s2.y = [a * other for a in self.y] s2.discrete = [[a[0], a[1] * other, a[2]] for a in self.discrete] return s2 def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other)
# --------------------Spectrum calculation functionality----------------#
[docs]def get_fluence(e_0=100.0): """ Returns a function representing the electron fluence with the distance in CSDA units. Args: e_0 (float): The kinetic energy whose CSDA range is used to scale the distances. Returns: A function representing fluence(x,u) with x in CSDA units. """ # List of available energies e0_str_list = list(map(lambda x: (os.path.split(x)[1]).split(".csv")[ 0], glob(os.path.join(data_path, "fluence", "*.csv")))) e0_list = sorted(list(map(int, list(filter(str.isdigit, e0_str_list))))) e_closest = min(e0_list, key=lambda x: abs(x - e_0)) with open(os.path.join(data_path, "fluence/grid.csv"), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) t = next(r) x = np.array([float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")]) t = next(r) u = np.array([float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")]) t = [] with open(os.path.join(data_path, "fluence", "".join([str(e_closest), ".csv"])), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in r: t.append([float(a) for a in row[0].split(",")]) t = np.array(t) f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, u, t, kx=1, ky=1) # Note f is returning numpy 1x1 arrays return f
# return lambda x,u:f(x,u)[0]
[docs]def get_cs(e_0=100, z=74): """ Returns a function representing the scaled bremsstrahlung cross_section. Args: e_0 (float): The electron kinetic energy, used to scale u=e_e/e_0. z (int): Atomic number of the material. Returns: A function representing cross_section(e_g,u) in mb/keV, with e_g in keV. """ # NOTE: Data is given for E0>1keV. CS values below this level should be used with caution. # The default behaviour is to keep it constant with open(os.path.join(data_path, "cs/grid.csv"), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) t = next(r) e_e = np.array([float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")]) log_e_e = np.log10(e_e) t = next(r) k = np.array([float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")]) t = [] with open(os.path.join(data_path, "cs/%d.csv" % z), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for row in r: t.append([float(a) for a in row[0].split(",")]) t = np.array(t) scaled = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(log_e_e, k, t, kx=3, ky=1) m_electron = 511 z2 = z * z return lambda e_g, u: (u * e_0 + m_electron) ** 2 * z2 / (u * e_0 * e_g * (u * e_0 + 2 * m_electron)) * ( scaled(np.log10(u * e_0), e_g / (u * e_0)))
[docs]def get_mu(z=74): """ Returns a function representing an energy-dependent attenuation coefficient. Args: z (int or str): The identifier of the material in the data folder, typically the atomic number. Returns: The attenuation coefficient mu(E) in cm^-1 as a function of the energy measured in keV. """ with open(os.path.join(data_path, "mu", "".join([str(z), ".csv"])), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) t = next(r) x = [float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")] t = next(r) y = [float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")] return log_interp_1d(x, y)
[docs]def get_csda(z=74): """ Returns a function representing the CSDA range in tungsten. Args: z (int): Atomic number of the material. Returns: The CSDA range in cm in tungsten as a function of the electron kinetic energy in keV. """ with open(os.path.join(data_path, "csda/%d.csv" % z), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) t = next(r) x = [float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")] t = next(r) y = [float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")] return interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='linear')
[docs]def get_mu_csda(e_0, z=74): """ Returns a function representing the CSDA-scaled energy-dependent attenuation coefficient in tungsten. Args: e_0 (float): The electron initial kinetic energy. z (int): Atomic number of the material. Returns: The attenuation coefficient mu(E) in CSDA units as a function of the energy measured in keV. """ mu = get_mu(z) csda = get_csda(z=z)(e_0) return lambda e: mu(e) * csda
[docs]def get_fluence_to_dose(): """ Returns a function representing the weighting factor which converts fluence to dose. Returns: A function representing the weighting factor which converts fluence to dose in Gy * cm^2. """ with open(os.path.join(data_path, "fluence2dose/f2d.csv"), 'r') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) t = next(r) x = [float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")] t = next(r) y = [float(a) for a in t[0].split(",")] return interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='linear')
[docs]def get_source_function(fluence, cs, mu, theta, e_g, phi=0.0): """ Returns the attenuated source function (Eq. 2 in the paper) for the given parameters. An E_0-dependent factor (the fraction found there) is excluded. However, the E_0 dependence is removed in integrate_source. Args: fluence: The function representing the fluence. cs: The function representing the bremsstrahlung cross-section. mu: The function representing the attenuation coefficient. theta (float): The emission angle in degrees, the anode's normal being at 90º. e_g (float): The emitted photon energy in keV. phi (float): The elevation angle in degrees, the anode's normal being at 12º. Returns: The attenuated source function s(u,x). """ factor = -mu(e_g) / math.sin(math.radians(theta)) / math.cos(math.radians(phi)) return lambda u, x: fluence(x, u) * cs(e_g, u) * math.exp(factor * x)
[docs]def integrate_source(fluence, cs, mu, theta, e_g, e_0, phi=0.0, x_min=0.0, x_max=0.6, epsrel=0.1, z=74): """ Find the integral of the attenuated source function. An E_0-independent factor is excluded (i.e., the E_0 dependence on get_source_function is taken into account here). Args: fluence: The function representing the fluence. cs: The function representing the bremsstrahlung cross-section. mu: The function representing the attenuation coefficient. theta (float): The emission angle in degrees, the anode's normal being at 90º. e_g: (float): The emitted photon energy in keV. e_0 (float): The electron initial kinetic energy. phi (float): The elevation angle in degrees, the anode's normal being at 12º. x_min: The lower-bound of the integral in depth, scaled by the CSDA range. x_max: The upper-bound of the integral in depth, scaled by the CSDA range. epsrel: The relative tolerance of the integral. z (int): Atomic number of the material. Returns: float: The value of the integral. """ if e_g >= e_0: return 0 f = get_source_function(fluence, cs, mu, theta, e_g, phi=phi) (y, y_err) = custom_dblquad(f, x_min, x_max, e_g / e_0, 1, epsrel=epsrel, limit=100) # The factor includes n_med, its units being 1/(mb * r_CSDA). We only take into account the r_CSDA dependence. y *= get_csda(z=z)(e_0) return y
[docs]def add_char_radiation(s, method="fraction_above_poly"): """ Adds characteristic radiation to a calculated bremsstrahlung spectrum, assuming it is a tungsten-generated spectrum If a discrete component already exists in the spectrum, it is replaced. Args: s (:obj:`Spectrum`): The spectrum whose discrete component is recalculated. method (str): The method to use to calculate the discrete component. Available methods include: * 'fraction_above_linear': Use a linear relation between bremsstrahlung above the K-edge and peaks. * 'fraction_above_poly': Use polynomial fits between bremsstrahlung above the K-edge and peaks. """ s.discrete = [] if s.x[-1] < 69.51: # If under k edge, no char radiation return f = s.get_continuous_function() norm = integrate.quad(f, s.x[0], s.x[-1], limit=2000)[0] fraction_above = integrate.quad(f, 74, s.x[-1], limit=2000)[0] / norm if method == "fraction_above_linear": s.discrete.append([58.65, 0.1639 * fraction_above * norm, 1]) s.discrete.append([67.244, 0.03628 * fraction_above * norm, 1]) s.discrete.append([69.067, 0.01410 * fraction_above * norm, 1]) else: if method != "fraction_above_poly": print( "WARNING: Unknown char radiation calculation method. Using fraction_above_poly") s.discrete.append([58.65, (0.1912 * fraction_above - 0.00615 * fraction_above ** 2 - 0.1279 * fraction_above ** 3) * norm, 1]) s.discrete.append([67.244, (0.04239 * fraction_above + 0.002003 * fraction_above ** 2 - 0.02356 * fraction_above ** 3) * norm, 1]) s.discrete.append([69.067, (0.01437 * fraction_above + 0.002346 * fraction_above ** 2 - 0.009332 * fraction_above ** 3) * norm, 1]) return
[docs]def console_monitor(a, b): """ Simple monitor function which can be used with :obj:`calculate_spectrum`. Prints in stdout 'a/b'. Args: a: An object representing the completed amount (e.g., a number representing a part...). b: An object representing the total amount (... of a number representing a total). """ print("Calculation: ", a, "/", b)
[docs]def calculate_spectrum_mesh(e_0, theta, mesh, phi=0.0, epsrel=0.2, monitor=console_monitor, z=74): """ Calculates the x-ray spectrum for given parameters. Characteristic peaks are also calculated by add_char_radiation, which is called with the default parameters. Args: e_0 (float): Electron kinetic energy in keV theta (float): X-ray emission angle in degrees, the normal being at 90º mesh (list of float or ndarray): The photon energies where the integral will be evaluated phi (float): X-ray emission elevation angle in degrees. epsrel (float): The tolerance parameter used in numeric integration. monitor: A function to be called after each iteration with arguments finished_count, total_count. See for example :obj:`console_monitor`. z (int): Atomic number of the material. Returns: :obj:`Spectrum`: The calculated spectrum """ # Prepare spectrum s = Spectrum() s.x = mesh mesh_len = len(mesh) # Prepare integrand function fluence = get_fluence(e_0) cs = get_cs(e_0, z=z) mu = get_mu_csda(e_0, z=z) # quad may raise warnings about the numerical integration method, # which are related to the estimated accuracy. Since this is not relevant, # they are suppressed. warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for i, e_g in enumerate(s.x): s.y.append(integrate_source(fluence, cs, mu, theta, e_g, e_0, phi=phi, epsrel=epsrel, z=z)) if monitor is not None: monitor(i + 1, mesh_len) if z == 74: add_char_radiation(s) return s
[docs]def calculate_spectrum(e_0, theta, e_min, num_e, phi=0.0, epsrel=0.2, monitor=console_monitor, z=74): """ Calculates the x-ray spectrum for given parameters. Characteristic peaks are also calculated by add_char_radiation, which is called with the default parameters. Args: e_0 (float): Electron kinetic energy in keV theta (float): X-ray emission angle in degrees, the normal being at 90º e_min (float): Minimum kinetic energy to calculate in the spectrum in keV num_e (int): Number of points to calculate in the spectrum phi (float): X-ray emission elevation angle in degrees. epsrel (float): The tolerance parameter used in numeric integration. monitor: A function to be called after each iteration with arguments finished_count, total_count. See for example :obj:`console_monitor`. z (int): Atomic number of the material. Returns: :obj:`Spectrum`: The calculated spectrum """ return calculate_spectrum_mesh(e_0, theta, np.linspace(e_min, e_0, num=num_e, endpoint=True), phi=phi, epsrel=epsrel, monitor=monitor, z=z)
def cli(): import argparse import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate a bremsstrahlung spectrum.') parser.add_argument('e_0', metavar='E0', type=float, help='Electron kinetic energy in keV') parser.add_argument('theta', metavar='theta', type=float, default=12, help="X-ray emission angle in degrees, the anode's normal being at 90º.") parser.add_argument('--phi', metavar='phi', type=float, default=0, help="X-ray emission altitude in degrees, the anode's normal being at 0º.") parser.add_argument('--z', metavar='z', type=int, default=74, help="Atomic number of the material (characteristic radiation is only available for z=74).") parser.add_argument('--e_min', metavar='e_min', type=float, default=3.0, help="Minimum kinetic energy in keV in the bremsstrahlung calculation.") parser.add_argument('--n_points', metavar='n_points', type=int, default=50, help="Number of points used in the bremsstrahlung calculation.") parser.add_argument('--mesh', metavar='e_i', type=float, nargs='+', help="Energy mesh where the bremsstrahlung will be calculated. " "Overrides e_min and n_points parameters.") parser.add_argument('--epsrel', metavar='tolerance', type=float, default=0.5, help="Numerical tolerance in integration.") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='path', type=str, help="Output file. Available formats are csv, xlsx, and pkl, selected by the file extension. " "pkl appends objects using the pickle module. Note you have to import the Spectrum class " " INTO THE NAMESPACE (e.g., from xpecgen.xpecgen import Spectrum) to load them. " "If this argument is not provided, points are written to the standard output and " "calculation monitor is not displayed.") parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action="store_true", help="If this flag is set and the output is a pkl file, overwrite its content instead of " "appending.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.output is not None: if "." not in args.output: print("Output file format unknown", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) else: ext = args.output.split(".")[-1].lower() if ext not in ["csv", "xlsx", "pkl"]: print("Output file format unknown", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) monitor = console_monitor else: monitor = None if args.mesh is None: mesh = np.linspace(args.e_min, args.e_0, num=args.n_points, endpoint=True) else: mesh = args.mesh s = calculate_spectrum_mesh(args.e_0, args.theta, mesh, phi=args.phi, epsrel=args.epsrel, monitor=monitor, z=args.z) x2, y2 = s.get_points() if args.output is None: [print("%.6g, %.6g" % (x, y)) for x, y in zip(x2, y2)] elif ext == "csv": s.export_csv(args.output) elif ext == "xlsx": s.export_xlsx(args.output) elif ext == "pkl": import pickle print(args.overwrite) if args.overwrite: mode = "wb" else: mode = "ab" with open(args.output, mode) as output: pickle.dump(s, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()